Sunday, February 9, 2025, 6:58 PM, Temperature 75 Degrees, Humidity 79%, Course SW 226.58
King Neptune blessed us with calmer seas, although two nights ago, he showed us that the conditions can change.
The captain warned of 12-foot seas with a Beaufort Scale of ( 6 ); fortunately, we only experienced a Beaufort Scale of ( 4 ). He said we had avoided both a Cyclone and two tropical depressions. We have a good Captain who is only 47 years old but has been in command since he was 40. He came up through the ranks from the Netherlands and then received a formal education at Maritime University. He has "Command Presence."
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions about our travels or just want to say hi, drop us a message, and we’ll get back to you soon.