Monday, January 27, 2025, AT SEA, 3:14 AM, 82 Degrees, Humidity 72%, Light Rain, W - ENE 12.5 mph
Back home, when they go from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time (I wish they’d make up their minds and stay with one time!), the expression is “Fall Back” and gain an extra hour of sleep! That only works if it’s just for one day, but when you have FIVE “Turn Backs” in a row, then you end up getting up at 2 AM (or at least John, and by “association,” I do!) Notice the time at the top of this Blog! UGH!
We spent the first 23 days of our trip happily sailing in the Eastern Time Zone, just like home. Except, that is, for the day going through the Panama Canal. Panama Canal Zone (all of Panama?) marches to its own drummer! We moved FORWARD one hour the night before we got there and moved BACK one hour when we left, so we were back where we started in Eastern Standard Time.
Most of our early travel was South, so we “stayed put” timewise. Even when we left Peru and started heading for Easter Island, we didn’t change the time. We stayed on the same time while at Easter Island (although, looking at a map, it seems like we should have changed). Maybe our time was determined by the time they use on Eastern Island.
We moved our clocks BACK an hour when we left Easter Island. Adjustment is not bad; we got up at 6 AM, which was 5 AM on our body clock from the previous day and John’s usual wake-up time. From then on, it “went South”! Every night, when we returned to our room after dinner, there were chocolates and a card reminding us to turn back our clocks. John woke up at 4 AM, then 3 AM, and today at 2:12 AM! In fairness, we went to bed at 9 PM (which became 8 PM), so 2 AM was seven hours of sleep, just not the hours I would prefer!
Last night, we moved into the Time Zone for Papeete, Tahiti (UTC-10:00), whatever that means, so we should be good for a couple of nights. We will be in Tahiti tomorrow, Moorea on Wednesday (a small island 12 miles from Tahiti) and Raiatea on Thursday. All of the islands are in French Polynesia so hopefully on the same time. The computers and phones have not been able to keep up with the changes, they’re confused!
Tonight, the World Stage Theater is showing Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti. They have a popcorn machine and serve hot popcorn at the movies—yummy. We plan to take a nap so we can stay awake for it and hopefully get on a better schedule.
In a week, we cross the International Date Line. Will it be Tomorrow? Yesterday? Or maybe it will be like Outlander, and we’ll pass through to Scotland, and I’ll meet a handsome man in a kilt! Of course, I already have one of those, so I guess I’ll stay here and see what’s ahead on our exciting adventure.
It’s 4:26 AM, and John’s gone back to bed! I’m wide awake and typing this Blog. What is wrong with this picture?? I guess I’ll read my book for the Book Club this week, Boys in the Boat. Of course, I’ve had the book for months, and the other three books the Book Club is reading during the cruise, but as usual, I’m “under the gun” to finish it by Friday. I’ve discovered I can put my Kindle in the rack at the front of the exercise bike in the gym and read and pedal simultaneously! This has increased my time doing both!
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions about our travels or just want to say hi, drop us a message, and we’ll get back to you soon.